Monday, November 26, 2012

Full of Thanksgiving

For most people Thanksgiving is not just a time for turkey and stuffing but an opportunity to stuff themselves. In fact many will act as if it is a necessary part of the celebration. I am not suggesting that one bypasses the celebration, but I think one can commemorate the day without making the food the guest of honor.

It is certainly possible to give thanks without overeating. It makes more sense to be full of thanks than to be full of extra calories.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Head Over Meals

Are you frustrated because you're STILL not reaching your weight goal, or freedom from health issues and negative self imposed feelings...

Monday, November 5, 2012


Clients ask me all the time how to stop snacking at home. I think the first step is very simple. Just don't have it in the house. If you are in your cozy armchair watching television and you know there is a bag of chips in the pantry--you might be tempted. However, if you go to the cupboards and they are is highly unlikely that you will make the effort to put your clothes on, grab the keys and go to the store.
One of the best ways to overcome temptation is to not put yourself in the position to begin with.