Monday, January 30, 2012


I remember my science teacher once told the story about a single cell making its way out of the water and joining another cell. The two cells together were able to survive easier. And cells began merging to live and survive.

There are 50 to 75 trillion cells in the human body. Whenever I eat and exercise, I am visualizing my cells. I think about what nutrients I am sending them and what they require. In doing this I also stay away from things that are extremely deadly to my cells (sugar, too much alcohol, man made products). Visualization helps me to be more consciously aware of the effect these things are having on my body. I am also visualizing the positive effects of exercising. The cells getting oxygen and thriving.

Think of yourself as the guardian of these precious living organisms. Considering how you have been treating them so far. remember they are counting on you to care for them.

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